Heart of Florida Healing Rooms

Heart of Florida Healing Rooms

Heart of Florida Healing Rooms is a member of
The International Association of Healing Rooms,

whose purpose is to bring and perpetuate healing to the Body of Christ,

so that the Body of Christ can bring healing to the world;

to heal, equip, and release believers into the healing ministry according to: 
Mark 16:17  "And these signs will follow those who believe: In My name they will cast out demons;
they will speak with new tongues; 
they will take up serpents; and if they drink anything deadly,
it will by no means hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover.”

A Touch From Jesus

We have wonderful prayer teams that have a passion to release the healing anointing.  The team members have been trained and will pray according to the direction of the Holy Spirit. 

You can experience restoration of the whole person: body, soul, and spirit. These prayers provide healing, freedom, and restoration from:

* chronic Illness

* Incurable Diseases

* Pain

* Physical Injuries

* Addictions

* Anxiety

* Fear

* Confusion

* Depression

* Financial Oppression

* Generational Curses

* And much more...



email: HeartofFloridaHealingRooms@gmail.com

What to Expect

When you arrive, we will ask you to fill out a prayer request form.  You’ll be invited to wait in our “soaking area,” a place set aside for you to pray or meditate quietly, read Scripture, or whatever activity brings you peace and prepares you to receive prayer. Your prayer request form is given to one of our 3-person prayer teams. They read your request and then pray over it, asking the Holy Spirit to show them how to minister to you. When the team is ready to receive you, one of them will personally greet you in the soaking area. Then, we will take you in for prayer.

We believe that God is revealing His Word for today to His Church - the Body of Christ.  The Church will bring in the final harvest through the Kingdom Message, through Divine Healing and Divine Health. We believe it is God's will to equip the church for an awesome display of HIS presence and power. 

To fulfill that calling, we offer training sessions frequently to share the Spirit and the Truth about what God's doing through us, and to Impart that Anointing and Vision to all who will come. 

Are you hungry to be a doer of the Word, not just a hearer? Come join us!


FACEBOOK:  HeartofFloridaHealingRooms

EMAIL: HeartofFloridaHealingRooms@gmail.com

LOCATION:  Time:  2nd Sunday 3p-5p

Champion's Center

1801 Havendale Blvd.

Winter Haven, FL 33880

Please confirm the schedule on the Facebook